Who can benefit from family constellations?
What dynamics and patterns are brought to light?
If you feel stuck in patterns that you cannot seem to break, or if you are experiencing repetitive challenges that seem to have no logical explanation, family constellations can help you gain a new perspective. It can offer a profound and healing experience, helping you to release long-held emotions and beliefs that no longer serve you.
In essence, family constellations can be beneficial for anyone who is willing to explore the hidden dynamics of their family system and embrace the potential for transformation and healing. It is a journey of self-discovery that can lead to greater clarity, resilience, and a deeper sense of connection to oneself and others.
Difficulty expressing yourself and asserting your opinion
Not empowered
Feeling like you’re not fully empowered
Overly responsible
Being overly responsible or burdened with responsibilities
Seeking approval
Constantly seeking approval and validation from others
Struggling with decision-making
Power dynamics
Difficulty dealing with authority and power dynamics
Negative patterns
Repeating negative patterns in your life
Facing issues of dishonesty or the feeling of imbalanced relationships