What does it mean to be a representative in a family constellation?
The client chooses those who will present for the positions in the field of the constellation that presents his family system. Everyone has the right to accept or decline to be a representative.
Participating as a constellation representative is an exciting and extremely enlightening event. Standing “in place” as part of a foreign family system in the “field of knowledge”, you often receive sensations and insights that are not yours but are related to your life situation.
When the client invites you to be a representative, you stand in the position he indicated, according to the other representatives. The aim is to connect with the sensations of your body in silence. The change that occurs in you, influenced by the “field of knowledge”, is the most important one.
Sharing this experience takes place only after an invitation from the constellation facilitator. You give feedback on what you feel differently about yourself or your experience concerning other representatives. No interpretations are made of what is happening, you do not go to “rescue”, and you do not take the initiative to optimize the situation according to your subjective idea, especially in moments of tension.
You can share if you feel love, attraction, sadness, grief, or anger towards another representative. At a signal from the facilitator, you can change position, move away, move closer to another representative, or just take a place where you feel comfortable.
When the facilitator gives you healing phrases, you only say them if they feel true and right for the moment! When the healing picture of the family system is done, the client releases the representatives from the “role” and thanks them for participating.
If you feel that you have not “get out” of the experience, after the end of the constellation you can give feedback to the facilitator who leads the process.